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Now we have come to our final 3 outcomes of the property life cycle. Physical Inventory, Utilization, and Disposition

Ronald Thompson
2024-05-17 12:42:04
Every once in a while, you want to count everything to make sure nothing is missing and everything is where it should be.They have lots of important items, like computers, tools, and supplies. From time to time, we must count and check everything to stay organized.............We only wany to keep what we need. Think about socks....You do not want to keep socks with holes in them or just leave them sitting in a corner. Utilization means making sure all equipment, tools, and supplies are being used properly.Disposition is like deciding what to do with something after you're done using it. It's about making sure things are handled properly, no matter if its those socks you want to throw away. It is rules for how to sell, recycle, or get rid of anything.

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