Shocking results just after listening to this just one time, imagine what seven days will do ?
John Farley
Welcome, dear souls, to the sacred moment of your spiritual enlightenment. Today as the dawn breaks and a new day unfolds, we embark Together on a journey of transformation and manifestation. Now, prepare to open your hearts and minds to the infinite powers that await you!Now from the comfort of your bed, take a moment right now and connect with the stillness within your soul. Close your eyes for me and relax.We take a big deep breathe, inhale taking in all of the universes new creative energy, and exhale allowing all of that energy to anchor you into the present! Now as you inhale and exhale. I want you to Let go of your past, and your future, just surrender only to the now and the peace you feel in this very moment. Becoming aware of a sensation surrounding our body as we connect to the entire universe mainframe. Now that we’re plugged in we “Visualize a warm, golden light beaming down on the top of our head, it’s filling us with the brightest divenly love, compassion and protection from the one true source, and as golden beam flows through us. Our minds eye opens now envision your desires your qualities you wish to possess as if they are already yours. Yes that’s it…. Very good. Now “See yourself living your dream life in vivid detail. Now repeat these affirmations that resonate with universes laws, such as ‘I am abundant,’ ‘I am worthy,’ and ‘I am loved’ you begin to see your whole body now beginning to radiate that bright gold aura of light, attracting blessings and miracles into your life effortlessly as you are one with the Devine source, capable of manifesting miracles beyond ones imagination..Before we close our connection to the one Devine source today. And we prepare to go upon our day, we give thanks for everything the universe has provided us thus far, including the creator of the video we give thanks and wish you endless good blessings & fortune be stowed upon you. And for the wisdom and insight we gained throughout this meditation. and for every experience that will happen in our life be it positive or negative we are grateful.