Data representation in a digital computer
Bilal Chandia Baloch
Data representation in a digital computer refers to the methods used to store, process, and transmit information in a format that computers can understand and manipulate. At its core, all data in a digital computer is represented using binary code - a series of 0s and 1s.Binary RepresentationDigital computers use the binary number system as the foundation for data representation. This system only uses two digits, 0 and 1, which correspond to the on and off states of electrical signals in computer circuits. All types of data, including numbers, text, images, and sounds, are ultimately converted into binary form for computer processing.Types of Data RepresentationNumbersNumbers can be represented in various ways in a digital computer:Integer numbers are typically stored using a fixed number of bits.Floating-point numbers use a more complex representation to handle decimal values.TextText is represented using character encoding schemes:ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) uses 7 bits to represent 128 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and some special symbols.Unicode is a more comprehensive encoding system that can represent characters from virtually all of the world's writing systems. It uses up to 4 bytes per character, allowing for the representation of over 65,000 characters.ImagesDigital images are typically represented as bitmaps:Each pixel in the image is assigned a numerical value representing its color.For black and white images, each pixel might be represented by a single bit (0 for black, 1 for white).Color images use more bits per pixel to represent different color values.AudioThe amplitude of the sound wave is measured and converted to a binary number.