How to get focused.
In today's world, being able to focus is almost like a superpower.You rarely see anyone who's able to concentrate on a single task for hours, and the individualswho are able to focus to nobody's surprise get so much more done than other people.There are many areas where you could benefit from better concentration, whether it'sfor school, studying, work, or a hobby.If you're able to focus, you can get your desired results faster.So today I'll explain what's holding you back from focusing and what you can do to improveit.And I know you're procrastinating at this very moment by watching this video, but I'llmake it worth your while.So grab a pen and a piece of paper.Make sure to write down a few key points about whatever you learn in this video.This way you'll get the maximum value out of your procrastination session.And buckle up because it's going to be a long one.Let's dive in.We have two types of focus.Scattered focus and directed focus.Scattered focus is broadly distributed attention.This is your typical multitasker trying to do many things at the same time, cleaningthe house while talking on the phone while cooking dinner.Or someone who's trying to focus on one thing, but they keep thinking about something elseat the same time.And this is what most people do.They divide their attention towards many different things.The problem with this type of focus is that your brain is extremely bad at switching betweenmultiple things at once.You see when you switch from one task to another, it's not an instantaneous switch.Instead your brain has to load the context of whatever you're doing into your workingmemory.When you're constantly shifting your attention from wanting to another, you're forcing yourbrain to load and reload context over and over.Essentially you end up wasting a ton of mental energy switching back and forth, leavingyou exhausted without getting much done.Now on the other side we have directed focus.You achieve it by directing your attention to a single action while ignoring everythingelse.This is what you should aim to achieve and it's how high achievers direct their focus.