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And Fox and Cock

2024-05-23 23:09:17
[Opening Scene: Sunrise over a peaceful farm]Narrator (Voiceover): In a quiet little farm, as the first rays of the sun began to shine, life started to stir. Among the animals, a cunning fox was already up, planning his next meal.[Cut to: Fox sneaking through the tall grass]Narrator (Voiceover): This fox was known for his slyness and clever tricks. Today, his eyes were set on a handsome, proud cock who roamed the farmyard.[Cut to: Cock strutting confidently around the farm]Cock (thinking): What a beautiful morning. The farm is peaceful, and I am the master of this domain.[Cut to: Fox hiding behind a tree, watching the cock]Fox (whispering to himself): That cock would make a delicious breakfast. I just need to be smart about this.[Scene Transition: Fox approaches the farmyard]Fox (friendly tone): Good morning, my dear friend Cock! You are looking exceptionally fine today.Cock (suspiciously): Good morning, Fox. What brings you here so early?Fox (smiling): I couldn't help but notice your beautiful feathers. You truly are the pride of this farm.Narrator (Voiceover): The cock, wary of the fox's reputation, decided to stay on his guard.Cock (with a hint of pride): Thank you, Fox. What do you really want?Fox (feigning innocence): Oh, nothing much. I simply came to warn you. I've heard rumors that a pack of hungry wolves is coming this way. I wouldn't want anything to happen to such a splendid creature as yourself.Cock (now concerned): Wolves, you say? That's terrible news! What should I do?Fox (reassuringly): Why don't you come down from that

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