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The Hidden Dangers of Oversharing on Social Media

Ivan Chua
2024-09-28 16:51:49
Social media is a great way to stay connected and share what’s happening in your life. But have you ever considered the risks of sharing too much?Every time you check-in or share your location using geo-tagging, you’re giving away more than just a fun update. You’re also providing anyone, including people you don't know, with real-time information about where you are—and where you aren’t.This information can be used by criminals to track your movements, know when you're away from home, or even identify places you frequently visit.Social media platforms like LinkedIn can also be risky when sharing too much about your job. By casually mentioning company strategies, project details, or upcoming events, you might be giving competitors or malicious actors insight into confidential business information without even realizing it.

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