Health Education
Avoid douching, which might kill the beneficial bacteria that help prevent vaginal infections. Wear cotton underwear since it absorbs moisture and may prevent a yeast infection. Use barrier means of protection during sex, such as a condom, and having frequent STI testing. Use unscented soaps, tampons, and pads as scented or strong products may disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. After using the restroom, always wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from getting into your vagina and causing an infection. Before contacting the vaginal area, wash your hands and dry them well to prevent introduction of micro- organisms into the vagina. Urinate after intercourse to prevent a urinary tract infection. Take all of the medication exactly as directed. If you stop taking the medication before the infection is entirely gone, it may reappear. If you have been prescribed a vaginal cream, you should not use tampons while taking it. The tampons will absorb the cream. Do not engage in intercourse until your treatment is complete and you have no more evidence of infection. Inform your partner if the doctor believes the infection can be shared through sexual activity. This is really crucial because your partner may also require treatment.