Understanding Changes to Data
Komal Jutt
When the underlying data in your visualization changes, your visualizations may be affected in different ways depending on how you connect to the data in Tableau and on the changes taking place in the underlying data.Connection TypeIf you are using a live data connection, changes to the underlying data will be reflected when you open thevisualization or refresh the data connection in a visualization that is already open. If, however, you are using anextract changes made to the data will not be reflected in the visualization until you refresh the extract.If you are using an extract and want to refresh the data, right-click the data source connection in the Data paneand choose Refresh.Data Change Type:If the changes made to the data are only in the values of the data, these changes are reflected in the valuesdisplayed in your visualizations but will not break the visualizations. However if the changes are made to thestructure of your data, such as removing or renaming fields, visualizations using these changed fields will break.Filtering:Filtering allows you to narrow the data shown in a view and increases focus on relevant information. There areseveral ways in which you may add filtering within Tableau. These include using the Filter Shelf, Interactive (QuickFilter), and filtering within a View. The filtering options on both the Filter Shelf and Quick Filters will varydepending upon the field type (dimension, measure or date dimension) chosen.Filtering on a DimensionA dimension filter is used to view the data values of a smaller set of the dimension’s members.We’ll explore the creation of a dimension filer here using the server data source Headcount and Person Fact +.1. Drag a dimension, Academic Program Description, to Filters.2. When the dimension has been placed on the Filters shelf, the Filter dialog box will automatically open.There are several filter option tabs that can be completed. It should be noted that these are cumulative. Settingsfrom each tab are considered with “AND” logic so will further refine your results. Clicking on Reset on any tabwithin the Filter window will reset all selections (not just the values on the current tab) to their original values.