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Sb Sg
2024-05-07 17:11:47
Most people start their day by thinking about their problems. Those problems are tied to memories, and those memories are connected to certain people, places, and things. It's like your brain is an old tape recorder that keeps playing the same cassette over and over again. If your brain is the record of the past, then as soon as you wake up, you're already living in the past. And here's the thing: each one of those memories has emotions attached to it. So the moment you start thinking about your problems, you relive those emotions. That could be sadness, anger, or stress. If you wake up feeling this way, it sets the tone for your entire day.Let's say something happened yesterday that made you angry. You think about it today, and you get angry all over again. Keep this up for a couple of days, and people might think you're just having a bad week. But what happens when you keep doing it for longer? Suddenly, anger becomes part of your character. You're the one always frowning, always frustrated. If you continue to dwell on the past, you're just setting yourself up to repeat it.

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