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Scary story

Bombiyang & May Vang
2024-03-31 11:41:38
Deep in the heart of the forest, where ancient trees loomed like silent sentinels and darkness seemed to seep from every shadow, there stood an old, abandoned cabin. Its timbers were weathered and worn, its windows shattered, and the door hung crookedly on rusted hinges.Local legends whispered of the cabin's dark history, claiming it was once inhabited by a reclusive hermit who dabbled in forbidden magic. They said he made pacts with malevolent spirits and conducted sinister rituals beneath the pale light of the moon.Despite the warnings, a group of adventurous teenagers decided to spend a night in the cabin, daring each other to prove their bravery. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the forest into an eerie twilight, they gathered around a flickering fire, sharing nervous laughter and ghost stories.But as the night wore on, strange things began to happen. Shadows danced along the walls, shifting and contorting into sinister shapes. Whispers echoed through the empty rooms, their words too faint to decipher but filled with an unmistakable malice.One by one, the teens disappeared into the darkness, their screams swallowed by the oppressive silence of the forest. Panic set in as they realized they were not alone in the cabin, that something malevolent lurked in the shadows, hungry for their souls.In a desperate bid for survival, the remaining survivors huddled together, clutching makeshift weapons as they waited for the dawn to break. But as the first rays of sunlight pierced the gloom, they made a horrifying discovery – the cabin was empty, devoid of any trace of their friends or the terror that had stalked them through the night.To this day, the legend of the haunted cabin endures, a cautionary tale whispered by those who dare to tread too deep into the forest, a reminder that some evils are best left undisturbed in the darkness where they belong.

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