guys and lamini amal whoactual
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guys and lamini amal whoactually admitted that his idol is Neymar andman you can see from his style of playthat it's obvious that he takes alot of inspiration from Neymar let's take a look atwhat he said here too and someexcerpts look, today lamine yamalgave an interview to mundodeportivo and spoke about Neymar, hestated that the player is a greatinspiration for him and revealed that he only wentto the stadiums to watch him play. Furthermore,lamine yamal made otherstrong statements, even going so far as to insinuate thatNeymar became a celebrity of hisown accord So stay until the end ofthis video and I'll show you whatlamini yamal said about Neymar inall the details the 16-year-old jewel has acontract with Barcelona until June2026 and has a fine severance paystipulated at 1 billion euros, around5.3 billion reais, in recent daysJoan Laporta, president of Barça, revealedthat the team refused an offer of 200million euros, around 1.7 billion, thestriker, he said, we received offersfor players like lamini and Yama for 200million euros and we said nobecause we trust him in hissporting projection and we have no need tosell, on the contrary we are in theprocess of economic recovery and weare already seeing 200 million euros is thesame price as Neymar, hey guys infact, Neymar was a little more expensivethan 200 million euros, said la portaNoel podcast is the president of BarçaStudios, so we see that lamine and amauhave a lot of trust from theclub president and we know that this is not fornothing kid really plays a lot butwhat really caught my attention waslamine and amal's style of playbecause he reminds me a lot of the wayNeymar plays some time ago he saidI get a lot of inspiration watching Neymarplay he's incredible I spent hourswatching his dribbles and plays whenhe entered the field he could only rememberhis moves and tried to replicate them, it'ssurprising how just by watchinghim you become different, saidlamine amal and recently after thematch against Spain aBrazilian fan posted a video stating thatthe lamini yamal before the matc