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Create AI Video

Part II Creating a Communication Model

2024-06-04 23:31:54
Students, following the Linear Model of Communication video, your assignment is to develop your own Communication Model. Choose from the example models presented in the video to determine the kind of communication model you wish to design. Be sure to name the type of communication model you select and clearly label its elements, such as the sender, receiver, message, feedback, noise etc.Example:The Aristotle Model of CommunicationThis model is a representation of Public Speaking.To create my model, I would depict a speaker, an audience, a symbol to represent noise from the audience or external interference, and the specific occasion where the public speaking event is taking place.Students, for your communication model, please incorporate illustrations. You may find suitable images from picture art or various online illustration sites.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email.

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