Part 8: What are some male body-specific things to be aware of that women may not know about?
jemal ahmed
What are some male body-specific things to be aware of that women may not know about?My boyfriend has continuously impressed me with his understanding and attentiveness to things relating to my body—sometimes sexually, but usually not. Things like period cramps, cervical and breast cancer screenings, etc. It made me realize that he probably went out of his way to learn about these things, maybe from other women throughout his life, but also through his own research. I wanted to do the same.I’m not completely ignorant to the male body, and I know a lot of things overlap between genders. I also know everyone is different and there’s no one universal experience. Still, is there anything related to physical health you can think of that is male-specific, that women might not know about simply through lack of experience or education?I’m not asking for medical advice, just to note. Anything mentioned here I’ll continue learning about on my own. I just wasn’t sure where to start.