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jemal ahmed
2024-03-02 18:15:25
PART_13 WHAT IS THE GAS LAWS?The gas laws are a group of laws that govern the behaviour of gases by providing relationships between the following: The volume occupied by the gas. The pressure exerted by a gas on the walls of its container. The absolute temperature of the gas. The amount of gaseous substance (or) the number of moles of gas.What are the real gas laws?A real gas is defined as a gas that at all standard pressure and temperature conditions does not obey gas laws.What is the difference between gas and real gas?While the particles of an ideal gas are assumed to occupy no volume and experience no interparticle attractions, the particles of a real gas do have finite volumes and do attract one another.Well! Thanks for all!!The real gas law is a modification of the ideal gas law, it takes into account the gases' intermolecular forces and molecular size.

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