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jemal ahmed
2024-03-02 21:13:22
PART_17 DEFFINE THE HEISENBERG'S PRINCIPLES.Heisenberg's uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to measure or calculate exactly both the position and the momentum of an object.Is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle a law?The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a scientific law.What is the zero point energy?Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy level or ground state in a quantized electromagnetic field, which interacts with physical system of particles, which are represented by de Broglie waves with quantized energy levels.What is the formula of uncertainty?δx = (xmax xmin) 2 . Relative uncertainty is relative uncertainty as a percentage = δx x × 100. To find the absolute uncertainty if we know the relative uncertainty, absolute uncertainty = relative uncertainty 100 × measured value.Well! Thanks for all!

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