Story of ADAM A.S.
Muhammad Abdullah_kvpe
Father: My dear son, let me narrate to you the profound story of how Allah Almighty created the first man, Adam alayhis-salaam, the father of humanity.Son: Please do, dear father. I am eager to learn about our origins from the sacred sources.Father: It all began when Allah revealed to the angels His intention of creating a vicegerent on earth. Some angels questioned this decision out of their limited understanding, asking if this creation would cause corruption and bloodshed on earth.Son: But surely Allah had greater wisdom behind His plan that the angels could not comprehend.Father: Precisely, my son. Allah then created Adam from a handful of clay and molded him with His own Divine hands. After breathing life into Adam, Allah commanded the angels to prostrate before him out of respect for this new creation, who was honoredwith knowledge.Son: And all the angels obeyed except Iblis, is that right? What was his reasoning for such defiance?Father: Iblis was a jinn who had been arrogantly boasting of his superiority thinking he was created from fire which is superior to the clay Adam was created from. His pride led him to foolishly disobey Allah's direct command to prostrate before Adam.Son: How misguided of Iblis to question Allah's wisdom and authority!Father: Indeed, it was the primordial sin born out of arrogance that incurred Allah's wrath on Iblis, who became the accursed Satan. To demonstrate Adam's superiority, Allah taught him the names of all things which the angels could not comprehend fully.Son: So the knowledge Adam possessed made him worthy of being the khalifah on earth as Allah intended.Father: You understand well, my son. Adam and his wife Hawwa were then granted the bounties of Paradise to live a life of peace, joy and obedience to their Lord. However, Iblis lurked with his enmity, whispering tempting thoughts to misguide them.Son: And sadly, by the delusion of Shaytan, they disobeyed Allah's command by partaking of the forbidden tree.