Become AI modelers!
ali ami
I'm excited to teach you how to chart the future by empowering creativity with AI in 3D modeling, paving the way for you to become AI modelers!Creators, modellers, and animators are terrified of the growing threat that AI potentially imposes upon their livelihoods. One way to combat this perceived threat is to adapt and re-purpose hard-earned professional expertise into a hot new marketable skill. In the very near future, we will likely see job notifications for AI Creatives, AI-Modellers, and the like. And, within these job descriptions and requirements will also be the listing of non-AI experience or training qualifications that will separate you from the those that only have AI experience, but rather both, and helps confirm you as an expert in the new job niche of guiding AI to do viable production work. You become the director and AI becomes your workhorse.