My Name is Hafiz Abdul Waheed Abid. I am Lecturer of Computer Science in Concordia College Khudian Khas
Aadi Iz
Today we Will Discuss Some important pointing Devices that are used inComputer.......Let's Start....Q. What is mause? Describe its functions.Mouse is the most widely used pointing device. It is a small and lightweight input device. Mouse is moved on a flat surface to control the movement of the cusor or pointer on a screen. It is attached to the computer by a cable or wireless connection. Mouse is very easyto use. It is mostly used in graphics applications.A mouse usually has two or three buttons. These buttons are used to perform differenttasks. It may also include a scoll wheel to scroll through long documents. The mouse containsa small ball at the bottom. The movement of the cursor depends on the movement of ball.Briefly describe track ball.A trackball can be used as an alternative to a mouse, This device has buttons similar to those on mouse. It has a large rotating ball on the top. The body of the track ball is not moved. The ball is rolled with fingers. The position of the cursor on the screen is controlled by rotating the bal.An advantage of the trackball is that it takes less space to move than mouse. Trackball is often included in laptop computers. It can also be used as separate input devices with standard desktop çomputers.Q. What is the purpose of touch pad/ track pad?A touch pad is a small, flat surface over which the usermoves his finger. The movement of the finger moves the cursor on the screen. It is also known as track påd.A touch pad also has one or more buttons near it. Thesebuttons work like mouse buttons. Touch pads are commonly used with notebook computers..Describe touch screen.?Touch screen is a video display scrcen receives inputfrom the touch of finger. The screen is covered with a plastic layer. There are invisible beams of infrared light behind the screen. The user enters data by touching icons or menus on the screen. Most touch scréen computers use sensors to detect touch of a finger. Touch scréen is commonly used in AŤM, departmental stores and supermarkets.