“Hey everyone! Welcome back to my channel!
mukesh verma
I hope you’re ready for an episode that will tickle your brain cells and maybe even make your heart feel a little fuzzy—literally!Before starting let’s listen this song first. What Rekha is singing here, (laughs) Today, we’re diving into the fascinating and magical world of—(drumroll)—oxytocin! that sparks desire, trust, and connection Yes, that gooey love hormone that sounds like a new brand of chewing gum but is actually your brain’s secret ingredient for all things cuddly and cozy!” – the hormone that makes you go from ‘hello’ to ‘hello, baby!’” Oxytocin is like the ultimate wingman (or wing-hormone?). Oxytocin is often called the 'love hormone' or 'cuddle hormone'. It's released during social bonding activities, like hugging, kissing, or even just eye contact. But oxytocin does more than just make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.