INTRODUCTION of how to say it
How to Say It is a practical, easy-to-use book that tells you what to say and how tosay it. Its flexible approach helps you fashion compelling letters in little more timethan it takes to handwrite or type them.Although an impressive amount of business and social interaction takes placetoday over the telephone and fax, by e-mail, or in person, the well-written letterremains a staple of business success and one of the strongest connecting linksbetween human beings.Most of us are capable of writing a satisfactory letter, but few of us have the timeand mental energy to deal with the countless letters that life today seems todemand of us—especially since all of them should have been written yesterday.How to Say It features comprehensive, versatile lists of words, phrases, sentences,and paragraphs that allow you to express yourself on any subject in your ownvoice and style.Thesaurus-like, these lists provide you with terms relating to your topic.Whether you want to sound formal or casual, traditional or contemporary,businesslike or lighthearted, distant or intimate, you’ll find here the words forevery letterwriting occasion—from powerful, cogent business letters to warm,sensitive personal letters.An important message of this book, delivered indirectly in its pages, is that thereis rarely “one right way” to write a letter. You may follow, adapt, or ignore theguidelines given here; after all, you know more about your message and yourreader than any letterwriting manual. Except for someone like Napoleon, whoapparently wrote more than 50,000 letters in his lifetime (and nobody ever said tohim, “Get a life!”), almost everyone can use this book to write letters with increasedspeed, individuality, success—and enjoyment!10