Collecting is a common habit.
Leonardo De souza santos
Collecting is a common habit. For some people it has to do with preserving the past, for others it becomes a personal quest. People can collect several different things, from stamps to old car parts, photographs, trip souvenirs, movie characters dolls and so on. Some psychologists claim that the ritual of gathering things can inspire creativity, and awakens a desire for knowledge. Add to that the opportunities to foster social connections, once it makes possible for people from totally different backgrounds to meet and discover common interests. One of the characteristics of healthy collecting is that organizing and displaying the collection’s items is a pleasant, relaxing and satisfying activity that does not interfere in the routine of a functioning household. When the collector loses control and expands the limits beyond well-defined collections, is no longer capable of keeping the possessions organized, it becomes a serious problem called hoarding. Excessively keeping items that are not necessary and the persistent difficulty to throw away are common symptoms that the collection became an obsession. Whilst collecting is considered a healthy habit, hoarding is a mental health disorder that can cause serious damages for the individuals such as depression, isolation and loss of quality of life.