Brand management
Mian Bahzad
“Brand Management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, orform of product”. HISTORYBrands in the field of marketing originated in the 19th century with the advent of packaged goods.Industrialization moved the production of many household items, such as soap, from local communities tocentralized factories. When shipping their items, the factories would literally brand their logo or insignia onthe barrels used, which is where the term comes from. A good brand name should:• Be legally protectable• Be easy to Pronounce• Be easy to Remember• Be easy to Recognize• Attract Attention• Suggest product Benefits (e.g.: EasyOff) or suggest usage• Suggest the company or product Image• Distinguish the product's Positioning relative to the competition.A Premium Brand typically costs more than other products in the category.An Economy brand is a brand targeted to a high price elasticity market segment.A fighting brand is a brand created specifically to counter a competitive threat.When a company's name is used as a product brand name, this is referred to as Corporate brandingWhen one brand name is used for several related products, this is referred to as Family branding.When all a company's products are given different brand names, this is referred to as Individual branding.When a company uses the Brand equity associated with an existing brand name to introduce a new productor product line, this is referred to as Brand leveraging.When large Retailers buy products in bulk from manufacturers and put their own brand name on them, thisis called Private Branding, store brand, or private label.When two or more brands work together to market their products, this is referred to as Co-branding.BRANDING POLICIESThere are a number of possible policies.Company nameOften, especially in the industrial sector, it is just the company's name which is promotedFamily brandingIn case a very strong brand name (or company name) is made the vehicle for a range of products, even a range of subsidiary brandsIndividual brandingEach product line has a separate name, which may even compete against other brands from the samecompany.for example :Persil