one day
thomas sarandoglou
1. Act one starts at the introduction of jack and a quick outline of his life and a mechanic and his love for cars and his transformation into a racer at night. This act also includes the introduction into the midnight racing and what its all about and lastly in this act is the rival gang called the black pistons’ dominance This part of the short film will reveal jacks secret weapon that will charge and make his charger faster, and this part will also show us that jack remembers that lily was his childhood friend and when the race starts the cops start to know what was going on. The final act of the whole show will be the start of the short race and through all the conners tunnels and highways and when jack's charger and lily's diablo were pushed beyond their limits, and in the end, jack wins and bets lily and the black piston gang and in the end lily and jack got to know each other and started hanging out.