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Academic Integrity Policy

2024-09-26 22:23:47
As a student at ACE, you are expected to maintain the values of the College in your academic work. AmericanCollegeof Education expects students to exhibit academicintegrity through their educational experiences andavoid all formsof academic dishonesty. If you are found to be in violation of the Academic Integrity policy outlinedin the catalog, thefollowing steps will be taken.•Your faculty member will contact you with your Department Chair in copy for an explanation of whytheassignment violated the academic integrity policy. You will have 24 hours to respond. The facultymember will notassign a grade to the assignment while the infraction is being investigated•Once you have been given the opportunity to respond, your Department Chair and the faculty memberwilldetermine the severity of the violation, the appropriate grade for the assignment, and whether thestudent shouldreceive an informal or formal warning. If you received a previous informal violation, anautomatic formal warningwill be issued if another violation is verified.•If you receive a second formal warning of violating the academic integrity policy, the following steps willoccur:1.Your Chair will notify you of the problem immediately, providing documentation of the offense andstating theissue is being escalated to the Academic Disciplinary Committee for review.2.You will be given the opportunity to either submit a statement for committee reviewor join thecommittee meeting via phone during the first few minutes to verbally state his or her case.3.The committee will review the offenses along with your defense and determine the appropriate academicand disciplinary sanctions.Academic and disciplinary sanctions will be based on the seriousness of the situation and may include, but not belimitedto the following:•Documented counseling by ACE faculty and/or staff.•A reduction of a grade in the course.•Administrative Withdrawal from the course with agrade of F.•Dismissal for a specified period of time

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