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Many people believe the separated place where Minister stands on in their church is Altar, which the answer is NO!

2024-05-06 04:51:05
WHERE IS THE HOLY PLACE?Biblical illiteracy is still a major problem in Africa. Many sincere children of God don't know that God no longer has a preference for any place on earth or any structure built by human hands. They erroneously believe God would pay special attention to them if they prayed on a supposed holy ground or altar.Please note that since the veil of the Jerusalem Temple was torn from top to bottom when Christ breathed His last (Math 27:50-51), God no longer dwells in structures built by human hands. He lives by His Spirit in the redeemed.Stop attributing a special status to a building, the elevated platform of your place of worship (erroneously called altar), or a campground.If indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you, your body is the holy place. It is the holiest place on earth. You are the sanctuary of God. Your body is the Temple of the Spirit of the Most High God. Let this sink into you.What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your own? (1Cor 6:19)Selah!

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