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Meaning and definition of management

Adithya Anil
2024-09-28 01:13:01
Have you ever thought about what marketing really means?Is it just about advertisements and sales pitches?Well, it’s a lot more than that!Today, we’ll explore the meaning and definition of marketing, from its origins in ancient times to modern-day concepts.Understanding marketing is not only interesting but essential, whether you’re a business owner or just curious how the world works around.Let’s dive into the journey of marketing!Main ContentThe concept of marketing goes way back in history.In ancient times, marketing was much simpler.People traded goods and services directly, called barter.For example, a farmer might trade a basket of apples for some fish from a fisherman.This kind of exchange didn’t have complex strategies or advertising but focused solely on mutual needs.As societies progressed, the need for communication increased.When towns grew, people found it easier to sell their goods in markets.Vendors began to shout about their products, giving rise to the first form of marketing communication.Fast forward to the 19th century, and marketing started to take on more formal shapes.With the industrial revolution, mass production became the norm.That’s when businesses began to think about ways to attract more customers.Enter advertisements!From colorful posters to newspaper ads, businesses began to create messages to persuade potential buyers.But, what is marketing really?

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