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Dog 5 Facts

2024-05-25 04:26:41
Here is 5 facts about cats and dogs from a veterinarian, the last one can save your dog's life!Fact 1: Did you know cats have a unique purring sound? It's not just for when they're happy. Cats also purr when they're scared, sick, or even when they're healing themselves.Fact 2: Ever wonder why dogs tilt their heads? It's not just adorable—dogs do this to better hear and understand where a sound is coming from.Fact 3: Cats spend up to 50% of their waking hours grooming themselves. It's their way of staying clean and regulating their body temperature.Fact 4: Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, up to 100,000 times better than humans. That's why they're great at tracking and detection jobs.Fact 5: When dogs are around other Dogs they release a hormone called toxyoricin which is the equivalent of a human hormone release of fight or flight whenever they feel in danger.And there you have it 10 fun facts about cats and dogs! Whether you're a cat person, a dog person, or both, these amazing animals have so much to offer. Don't forget to like, share, and follow for more fun facts!

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