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MOTIVATING KNOWLEDGE PROFESSIONALS LEADERSHIP TRAIT THEORIESMotivating the “New Workforce i.e. Knowledge Professionals”Another current motivation issue revolves around motivating the “new workforce.” These special groupspresent unique motivational challenges to managers. These professionals possess specialty knowledge ofmarkets, of customers, of supplier, of software, of hardware, of technology and are very important to runthe organizations smoothly in 21st century.Motivating professionals is one of these special challenges.a. Professionals are different from nonprofessionals and have different needs.b. Money and promotions are typically low on the motivation priority list for professionals. Jobchallenge is usually ranked high as is support and the feeling that they’re working on somethingimportant.Special challenges in motivating professionals include their long-term commitment to their field ofexpertise, with greater loyalty to their profession than to their employer. Money and promotions aretypically low on professionals’ priority list. Contingent workers lack the security that permanent employeeshave and do not identify with or display much commitment to the organization. Temporary workers alsotypically lack benefits such as health care and pensions. Low-skilled minimum-wage workers typically havelimited education and skills; offering higher pay is usually not an option.LeadershipThe recognition of the important role that leadership plays in organizational performance is widelyacknowledged by managers everywhere. Leadership is what makes things happen in organizations.MANAGERS VERSUS LEADERSThere are distinctions between managers and leaders. Managers are appointed and have legitimate powerwithin the organization.Leaders are those persons who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority.Leadership, then, is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goalsHow leaders influence othersLeadership, the foundation of the management function of leading, is the process of influencing otherstoward the achievement of organizational goals.Power is the capacity to affect the behavior of others.There are different types of power depending upon their sources originally identified by French and Raven.1. Legitimate power stems from a position’s placement in the managerial hierarchy and the authorityvested in the position.2. Reward power is based on the capacity to control and provide valued rewards to others.3. Coercive power is based on the ability to obtain compliance through fear of punishment.