An 11-year-old named Ella White and her parents mysteriously disappear from Delaware. Not much is known about their life before this.
Abby Dea
They are found by a man named Harold Fisher, who witnesses their car crash and calls 911. A large group of paramedics pronounce her parents dead, but Ella is still alive, but barely. Ella is whisked to a hospital, where she is diagnosed with a rare but very serious heart disease. She will have to first undergo surgery, then have to do a very painful treatment to speed up her heart rate. Side effects of the disease are amnesia, the inability to walk and talk, and mental instability. Ella will forget everything, have to sit in a wheelchair, and have to wear a special oxygen mask that gives her calming medicine in public. The doctors offer her to her hometown, but she is too much work for them so she is sent to live at a rehab center near the hospital she was taken to with four doctors who will live with her for the rest of her life and take care of her: Dr. Emma Taylor, Dr. Mason Conway, Dr. Levi Smith, and Dr. Zachary Cunningham. They are there for many weeks (show lots of footage of an 11-year-old girl in a wheelchair wheeling around a rehab room). One day a child services agent tells the doctors caring for Ella that Ella has to go to school. It is fall. Ella joins the life skills program (the doctors come to school with her), and the doctors don't want to attract attention, so they take measures to not show Ella to anyone. Ella re-learns how to read and write (show footage of this). She has to do physical therapy every day to practice things like rolling around on the floor (show footage of this). She meets with an occupational therapist to improve her mental control of herself (show footage of this). She meets with a speech therapist to work on basic greetings like hi and how are you and basic manners like please and thank you (show footage of this). She has to have her treatments at school too in the nurse's office (show footage of this).