Seafood that should not be eaten in spring.
lidu zhang
[Video Title: Seafood to Avoid Eating in Spring][Camera cuts to the host standing in front of a kitchen counter]Host: Hello everyone, and welcome to today's show. With spring in full swing, many of us enjoy indulging in a variety of delicious seafood. But did you know? There are some types of seafood that are best avoided during the spring season. Let's delve into that today.[Camera shifts to a seafood market, showcasing various types of seafood]Host: In spring, seafood markets are brimming with an array of tempting options. However, there are some types of seafood that require extra caution during this time of year.[Camera focuses on shellfish at a seafood stall]Host: First up, let's talk about shellfish, such as oysters, clams, and mussels. During spring, these shellfish are more susceptible to contamination by bacteria and toxins, which could pose health risks if consumed.[Camera switches to a chef demonstrating cooking methods]Host: So, if you're planning to enjoy seafood in spring, remember to opt for fresh, reputable sources, and ensure thorough cooking.[Camera returns to the host]Host: Overall, when it comes to selecting seafood in spring, it's important to choose wisely and steer clear of options that are prone to contamination. Protect your health starting from what you eat. That wraps up today's show. Thank you for tuning in.[Video fades out, end of broadcast]