digestion story
Tiya Wisdom
Once upon a time in the bustling village of BioLand, a young boy named Ravi lived with his curious mind always craving knowledge. One sunny morning, he was captivated by the wonders of the human body, particularly the process of digestion. His wise grandfather, Dadaji, known for his storytelling, decided to explain it in a way Ravi would never forget.Imagine, Ravi, Dadaji began, the journey of your favorite food, a chapati and some dal, as a grand adventure through the kingdom of the Human Body.It all started in the Kingdom’s grand entrance, the mouth, also known as the Oral Cavity. Here, the food was greeted by the royal guards: the teeth, which chewed it into smaller pieces, and the tongue, which helped mix it with saliva. The saliva, produced by the salivary glands, contained a magical enzyme called amylase, beginning the breakdown of carbohydrates in the chapati.Once sufficiently chewed and mixed, the food, now called bolus, traveled down the esophagus, a muscular tube. The journey down this tube wasn’t a simple slide; it was a series of rhythmic contractions called peristalsis, pushing the bolus toward