Features of python
Features of python:1) Simple & easy to learn 2) Freeware is open source3) Highlevel programming language4) Platform independent5) Portability6) Object Oriented7) Interpreted8) Extensible9) Embedded10) Extensive library1) Simple & easy to learn:- Python is a simple programming language. When we can read phyton program we can field like reading english statements. The Syntaxes are very simples only 30+ keywords are available. When compared with other languages, we can write programs very less no. of lines. Hence more read- ability is simplicity.2) Free ware & Open source:- we can use python software without any license & it is freeware.It's source code is open, so that we can customized based on our requirement.Eg: Jython' is customized version of Python to work with java application.3) Highlevel programming language: Python is High level programming language shence it is progsiammes friendly language.4) Platform independent:It can support all kinds of operating systems like windows, Linux, Unix etc.5) Portability:It coding run in anywhere.6) Object oriented:It supports both pop(like c,pascal)and oop( c++,Java) features.7) Interpreted:It checks code line by line.8) Extensible:It can extended data science and big data.9) Embedded:It is a combined in python.10) Extensive library:Python has a rich in-built library.