hello today we are going to see what is critical thinking
Deepali Gupta
Critical thinking involves judging or assessing the quality or validity of something, such as a statement, news story, or argument. In high school and college. Educators encourage students to develop and use critical thinking skills to interpret information from data. Understand the legal case, post counter arguments in a classroom discussion, or write on a topic.Employers also expect employees to be able to think critically and expect an employee to identify problems and make decisions on their own. Based on analysis of evidence, facts and arguments, even in our personal lives, critical thinking skills are useful to make decisions involving finances, health care, and to evaluate and form opinions and arguments about events covered in the news.So what does critical thinking involve? Critical thinkers ask questions and then develop answers by seeking out and analyzing evidence or various arguments. For example, when given a claim that the president is responsible for the declining unemployment rate, the critical thinker may ask why is unemployment declining? How does the president impact unemployment? Critical thinkers identify the problem, situation, or relevant factor or factors when presented with information.It helps to have a clear understanding of the true problem or issue, and not be distracted by irrelevant information or concerns. Critical thinkers interpret and evaluate or size up evidence and arguments. They examine the source of the evidence and look for alternative or contradictory explanations. Critical thinkers also evaluate their own arguments, including their assumptions, biases, and emotions. For example, when analyzing political arguments and claims about gun violence, consider your own emotions about guns and any ideological or partizan biases that may impact your evaluation of information.Critical thinkers draw conclusions or inferences from facts or events. The conclusions are determined by the ability of the thinker to find relationships among multiple facts in analyzing a problem or situation. Critical thinkers should avoid oversimplification by reflecting on historical, global, political, geographical, or cultural context. When attempting to explain poverty in the United States, it would be a mistake to ignore similarities and differences that exist between the U.S. and previous eras, and other developed countries on this issue.Critical thinkers accept ambiguity. They understand that some doubts will remain, and that answers are sometimes difficult to see.