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2024-05-23 21:59:06
Etiology of vaginal discharge syndromeVaginal discharge syndrome is characterized by abnormal vaginal discharge, which can be caused by various infections. The common infections leading to this condition include bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast infections (candidiasis), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.INFECTIOUS CAUSES1. Bacterial vaginosis (BV)BV is caused by imbalance in the normal vaginal flora, where harmful anaerobic bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis outnumber the beneficial lactobacilli. This leads to an increase in vaginal pH due to the decline of lactobacilli, the high pH creates a more favorable environment for anaerobic bacteria to thrive and these bacteria produce volatile amines such as putrescine which leads a fishy odor and thin, grayish-white discharge.2. Yeast infections (Candidiasis)Yeast infections are usually caused by an overgrowth of fungus candida, which is normally present in small amounts in the vagina. The candida overgrowth is usually caused by a broad spectrum of antibiotics that can kill beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli which keeps Candida in normal levels, a decline in lactobacilli allows the yeast to proliferate. The discharge is thick and white, patients usually complain with itching and erythema.3. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)-Trichomoniasis: is caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, this infection is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected person. Once the T. vaginalis is in the vagina, it multiplies and colonizes the mucosal surfaces. The presence of T. vaginalis triggers an immune response leading to the inflammation of vaginal mucosa. This is characterized by frothy, yellow-green discharge with a strong odor, itching and irritation.

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