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how to keep the class clean

2024-05-23 10:18:51
Class is like our second home because we have spent a lot of time in class to study together. Moreover, it needs to be clean all the time to make us feel more convenient and comfortable and concentrate on our learning program. To make my presentation more understanding and enjoyable, I would to explain three main keywords keep, class and cleanNow let go through the three easy ways to make our class clean.the first way is the cleaning activities participation from the school management teams, the teachers, and the student themselves. The school management should set the schedule to clean the classroom and the campus. For example, our Belltie school management have set the fifth of each month is the cleaning day that all the students need to clean the classroom and the campus. Moreover, the school management have set the internal regulation that not allow all the students to bring food, cake or candy to eat in the class because it causes a bad smell and produce more trashes. Beside that, the teachers should tell or educate the students about the cleaning activities, cleaning regulations and forcing them to join and obey. In addition, the students themselves should clean the dirt on their table ,their chair, and their hand daily and should take care all the trash like paper and tissue on the table, under the table, under the chair by putting those trash in to the wastebasket and wash their hand with water and shampoo or alcohol or gel.The second way is prevention activities. we should not through away the trash, paper or tissue to any where we want to, but we should keep it in our hand or pocket and find the wastebasket to put those trash, paper or tissue. Moreover, when we saw the trash outside the wastebasket, on any place in the classroom or on the way we walk, we should take it up and put it in wastebasket.The last way is the education activities. The school management or the teachers should arrange the trash management course to teach the students about the way to manage the trash; moreover, push the student to join cleaning day activities and obey school regulations and evaluate their performance by giving the score.

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