blooms taxonomy
Sadia Abdul ghaffar
Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical framework used to classify educational objectives. It was first proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1956 and has since become a fundamental tool in educational psychology, curriculum development, and instructional design. The taxonomy is structured into a pyramid with six levels, each representing a different cognitive skill or level of understanding that learners can achieve:Remembering: This level involves recalling or recognizing information from memory. It includes tasks such as recalling facts, defining terms, or identifying concepts.Understanding: Here, learners demonstrate comprehension of the material by explaining ideas or concepts in their own words, summarizing information, or interpreting meanings from texts.Applying: This level focuses on using acquired knowledge in new situations or contexts. It involves applying principles or procedures to solve problems, carry out tasks, or demonstrate skills.Analyzing: At this level, learners break down information into its component parts and examine relationships between them. This may involve identifying patterns, distinguishing between different elements, or analyzing the structure of arguments.Evaluating: This level involves making judgments about the value or quality of ideas, methods, or materials. Learners critically assess information, arguments, or methods based on established criteria and make reasoned judgments or recommendations.Creating: The highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy involves synthesizing information from various sources to generate new ideas, products, or solutions. Learners demonstrate creativity by designing, constructing, or producing original works or solutions.Bloom's Taxonomy provides educators with a framework for designing learning objectives, assessments, and instructional activities that target different levels of cognitive complexity.