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2024-10-11 14:48:39
Once upon a time, in a quiet forest far away, there lived a rabbit named Hopper. Unlike the other rabbits who were friendly and playful, Hopper was known for his greed and selfishness. He would sneak around stealing food from other animals and never shared anything he gathered. His fur, once bright and shinny, had become dull from his bad habits, but Hopper didn't care All he thought about was filling his own belly.One winter, food became scare in the forest. The other animals worked together ,gathering what little they could find to share among themselves. But Hopper refused to help. Instead, he plotted to steal from the stockpiles of his fellow creature. Late at night, when everyone was asleep, Hopper would sneak into the storerooms and take as much as he could carry, stuffing his burrow full of food.Soon, the animals began to notice their supplies were disappearing, and they grew angry and suspicious. They held a meeting to figure out who was responsible, but Hopper, feigning innocence, stayed silent, pretending to share their frustration .One particularly cold night, Hopper couldn't resist talking even more food than usual . As he scurried back to his burrow with his mouth full of stolen acorns and berries, he didn't realize that the ground had frozen solid. His burrow's entrance had iced over, making it impossible for him to get inside. Panicking, Hopper dropped the food and tried digging his way in, but it was no use.

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