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buzzy bee

2024-04-29 18:57:41
Bumble bee, bumble bee, buzzing all day,In the garden, over flowers, making your way.Sipping nectar, dancing in air,Tell me bumble bee, what do you declare?Buzz buzz here, buzz buzz there,Round and round the roses, you whirl with flair.Golden stripes and wings so light,Bumble bee, bumble bee, what a sight!When the sun dips, you find your hive,All through the night, in the hive you thrive.Dream of gardens, wide and new,Bumble bee, bumble bee, we love you!Buzz buzz here, buzz buzz there,Round and round the roses, you whirl with flair.Golden stripes and wings so light,Bumble bee, bumble bee, what a sight!Bumble bee, bumble bee, fly away home,Back to your garden where you love to roam.Buzz and buzz, 'til the day is done,Bumble bee, bumble bee, you're the one!To put this to a melody, you could imagine a lively, playful tune, perhaps with a repeating musical phrase for the chorus to make it catchy and memorable. The verses could be a bit more narrative and slightly slower to give a nice contrast to the chorus. Instruments like the ukulele, light drumming, and perhaps a flute could create a fun, kid-friendly sound.

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