Marta Marques
Scene 1: IntroductionVideo: A bright and colorful background with playful music playing.Narrator (enthusiastic and friendly): Olá! (waves) Bem-vindos! Hoje vamos aprender português!Scene 2: Greetings FlashcardsVideo: The narrator holds up a large flashcard with a picture of a boy and girl waving.Narrator: Esta é a saudação que usamos quando encontramos alguém pela primeira vez. (This is the greeting we use when we meet someone for the first time.) Vamos dizer juntos! (Let's say it together!)Narrator and children (off-screen): Olá! (waves)Video: The narrator flips through other flashcards one by one, each showing a different greeting scenario.Narrator: (For each flashcard) Aqui está como dizemos bom dia (good morning), boa tarde (good afternoon), tudo bem? (how are you?), e tchau (bye) em português! (Here's how we say good morning, good afternoon, how are you?, and bye in Portuguese!) Vamos repetir! (Let's repeat!)Narrator and children (off-screen): (Repeat each greeting after the narrator)Scene 3: Interactive Game (Optional)Video: The narrator holds two plush toys (e.g., a bear and a rabbit).Narrator: Agora vamos brincar! (Now let's play!) Oi [bear's name]! (Hi [bear's name]!)Narrator (using the rabbit plush): Olá! (waves) Como estás? (How are you?)Narrator (using the bear plush): Estou bem, obrigado(a)! (I'm good, thank you!)Narrator: (To the children) Como vocês estão? (How are you?)Children (off-screen): (Respond with greetings learned in the lesson)Scene 4: ConclusionVideo: The narrator smiles and waves.Narrator: Ótimo! (Great!) Aprendemos a dizer olá, bom dia, boa tarde, tudo bem? e tchau em português! (We learned how to say hello, good morning, good afternoon, how are you?, and bye in Portuguese!)Narrator: Até a próxima lição! (See you next lesson!)Music fades out.