Sumaryof Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
David Sokoya
Desire: The Starting Point of All AchievementWishing your desires will materialize will not bring you riches. To attain any goal, you must have a burning desire, combined with belief you will possess it, backed by definiteness of purpose—the firm knowledge of what one wants. Hill details six steps for turning your desires into reality.Faith: Visualization of, and Belief in the Attainment of DesireThrough affirmations or repeated suggestions to the subconscious, you can develop the emotion of faith, which is necessary to transmuting your desires into their physical or monetary equivalent.Auto-suggestion: The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious MindAuto-suggestion refers to the use of self-directed communication and self-administered stimuli to channel thoughts from the conscious mind to the seat of the subconscious. Because the conscious mind often acts as a barrier to sensory impressions, auto-suggestion must be used to create thought patterns conducive to translating your desires into their physical equivalent.Specialized Knowledge: Personal Experiences or ObservationsGeneral knowledge, or that typically taught in schools, will not help you accumulate riches, nor will specialized knowledge on its own. Rather, you must learn how to organize and use knowledge after you acquire it. If you lack the specialized knowledge necessary to build your business or attain your goals, you can supplement your own knowledge with that of other individuals by forming a “Master Mind” group.Imagination: The Workshop of the MindThe imagination is the unique faculty of humankind that shapes, forms, and gives action to desire. Hill distinguishes between two modes by which the imagination functions: the synthetic imagination, which does not create but rather arranges old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations; and the creative imagination, which, when stimulated by strong desire, picks up thought vibrations from other humans and from the ether, connects with Infinite Intelligence, and develops new ideas.Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire into ActionIn order to translate desire into its physical or monetary equivalent, you must form a definite, practical plan and put it into action. This chapter details how to build plans and ensure they are functioning to your advantage.