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ojonimi samuel
2024-04-28 03:52:42
NUMBER 6. don't live the role of the victim: you are your true executioner and you are your true saviour, you are the limitation to yourself, for the fact that life hurts you, test you, and you tortured as a saints being fought by life, when you quit living the role of a victim, all you will receive would be a shallow pain.Accept and take responsibility for yourself and get up, complaining is enough.NUMBER 7. do not compare yourself to anyone and do not be tempted by anyone. The only one you should compare yourself to is the better version of yourself. That is your true role model!If you are a little jealous of anyone, that’s a sign of the need to go back to yourself, focus on yourself and mind your business so that you will bloom more.NUMBER 8. DO WHAT YOU LOVE.Let you work be taken from something you love to do, that’s how creativity is manifested and abundance is manifested. Stay away from job as much as possible and establish your own business in what you loveNUMBER 9. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY BODYCommit to healthy food and make sport a behaviour, a healthy body affects psychology positively and vice versaNUMBER 10.Be present with those who look, think and act like you, be present with people youlove and who look like you as much as possible, this tends to create an intense circle of positivity across several versions of you, and this brings about success and strength in what you love and believe in.

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