Book 4 Lesson 6 If We Don’t Act Now, There Will Be More Plastic in the Ocean
Uncle Paul and Ann arehaving a picnic at the beach.Paul伯父和Ann正在海灘野餐。Is this a straw?這是吸管嗎?It looks so strange.它看起來好奇怪。Yes, it’s a metal straw.是啊,它是一根金屬吸管。I can use it again and again.我可以重覆使用它。Why bother?為什麼要這麼麻煩?Isn’t a plastic strawmore convenient?塑膠吸管不是比較方便嗎?That’s true, butthere’s a problem.沒錯,但是有個問題。Look at this photo.看這張照片。Oh! That looks terrible.喔!那看起來好可怕。Some of your convenientplastic straws may end upin the ocean and in a turtle’s nose.你貪圖方便所用過的一些塑膠吸管最後也許會流到海洋和卡在海龜的鼻子裡。I see your point.我了解你的意思。Perhaps we should usefewer plastic strawsto save our ocean.為了拯救我們的海洋,或許我們應該少用一些塑膠吸管。You’re right.沒錯。If we don’t take action now,by the year 2050, there will bemore plastic in the ocean than fish.如果我們現在不採取行動,到了2050年,海洋裡的塑膠將會比魚還多。At Uncle Paul’s houseon another day.另一天,在Paul伯父家。Look, Uncle Paul.你看。Paul伯父,I got my own straw.我買了自己的吸管。I followed your example.我是效法你的喔。That’s good thoughyou’re still carryingyour drink in a plastic bag.做得好,雖然你還在拿塑膠袋裝飲料。What’s wrong with that?有什麼不對嗎?