Invisible letters
Arpit Khare
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM - DAYA group of students, including SAM, a bright-eyed 8-year-old, sit attentively at their desks. The teacher, MS. ANDERSON, stands at the front of the class, holding up flashcards with letters on them.MS. ANDERSON: Okay, class, let's practice our letters. Who can tell me what letter this is?Ms. Anderson holds up a flashcard with the letter 'B' printed on it. Several hands shoot up, but Sam hesitates.SAM: (muttering) B... um... P?The other students giggle softly. Ms. Anderson gives Sam an encouraging smile.MS. ANDERSON: Close, Sam! It's a 'B.' Remember, the line goes across, not down.Sam nods, feeling a bit embarrassed.INT. SAM'S HOUSE - LATER THAT DAYSam sits at the kitchen table with his mom, MRS. PARKER, working on his homework. He stares at a page filled with jumbled letters, frustration evident on his face.MRS. PARKER: Come on, Sam, you can do it. Just try your best.Sam picks up his pencil and begins to trace over the letters, but they still don't make sense to him.SAM: It's no use, Mom. I just can't get it right.Mrs. Parker notices the struggle in her son's eyes and decides to approach the situation differently.MRS. PARKER: Sam, do you remember when we went to the store and you helped me find those hidden pictures in the book?Sam's face lights up with recognition.SAM: Yeah, I remember! That was fun.MRS. PARKER: Well, reading is a bit like finding those hidden pictures. Sometimes the letters might seem jumbled up, but if you look at them from different angles, you'll start to see the picture they're trying to create.Sam's eyes widen as he considers his mom's words.INT. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSROOM - THE NEXT DAYSam sits at his desk, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. Ms. Anderson holds up a flashcard with the letter 'D' printed on it.MS. ANDERSON: Okay, class, who can tell me what letter this is?Sam's hand shoots up confidently.SAM: That's a 'D'!THE END