Leading and leadership motivating self and others
Kainat Gulzar
Sir Nadeem NAzeer The nature of motivationBeing able to affectively motivateemployees is a challenge that mangerface in all types and sizes oforganization.Eveything that we give toour worker's gets returned to us termof efficiency quality layalty andinnovationMotivationMotivate is the willingness to exerthigh levels of effort to reachorganization. Goals condition by theeffort ability to satisfy someindividual11 1.Effort is a measure of intensity ordrive . high levels of effort aredlunlikely to lead to favorable jobperformance unless the effort ischannels in a direction that benefitsthe organization1A need is a sate tha makes certainoutcomes appears attractive .anunsatisfied need create tension thatstimulates drives within anindividual these drives generator asearch behavior to find particulargoals that if attained will satisfy theneed and reduce the tension2Hence motivationHence motivation is energizedbehavior gives direction to behaviorand underlies the. Tendency topersist1.A. Person motivate is not directlymeasureable but must be infreedfrom Behavior.2 performance is afunction of ability motivation andworking conditions.3 Besides hiringindividual with ability to do t workmanager have the challenge toprovide working conditions thatNature and support individualmotivate to work toward organizationgoalsThen main elements of motivationhave been identified based onnumerous studiesintrinsic motivationA person internal desire to do something for his satisfaction respectprestige or loyaltyExtrinsic motivationFactores of motivation that comesfrom outside or organization likepaybonoustangiblebenefitsetcFrom theory to practice .suggestions for motivateemployeesSeveral suggestions for motivateemployees are given and are basedon what is currently know aboutmotivationA . Recognize individual difference interm of need attitude personality andother important individual factoresB.Match people to jobs by identifiedwhat needs are important toindividual and trying to provide jobsthat allow them to fulfilled thosedC .use goals because the literatureon goals setting suggestions thatmanager should ensure thatemployees have hard specific goalsand feedback in how well they doingin pursuit of those goalsD.Enusre that goals are perceivedemployees who see goals asunattainable will reduce their level ofeffort.E . Individual rewards becauseemployees have different needs whatis rewards and reinforce to one maynot work for anotherF . didn't ignore money the allocationof performance based increasepieces work bonuses and other payincentive is important in determiningemployees motivation