Directed by Sachin
creative art stop shots
Title: First Day in a New ClassScene 1:- Exterior shot of a school building on a sunny morning.- Cut to a wide shot of a young boy, backpack slung over his shoulder, walking towards the school gate.Scene 2:- Cut to a medium shot of the boy pushing open the gate and entering the school premises.- As he walks through the courtyard, other students can be seen chatting and laughing in the background.Scene 3:- Cut to a close-up of the boy's face, a mix of nervousness and excitement evident.- He takes a deep breath and continues walking towards the classroom building.Scene 4:- Interior shot of the classroom, students sitting at their desks, chatting and flipping through textbooks.- The door opens, and the boy enters. There's a moment of silence as everyone looks at him.Scene 5:- The boy finds his assigned seat and sits down, looking around at his new classmates.- Some students smile and wave, others continue with their conversations.End scene:- The camera zooms in on the boy's face, a smile forming as he starts to feel more at ease in his new environment.- Fade out with a caption: A new chapter begins.