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البداية الصحيحة The Right Start
2024-04-16 13:24:10
INT. LUXURY PENTHOUSE - NIGHTThe room is dark, filled with expensive art and artifacts. A large safe sits in the corner.JAMES, a skilled thief in his mid-30s, and SARAH, his tech-savvy partner, are dressed in black and wearing night-vision goggles.---JAMES:(whispering)Ready to do this?SARAH:Always.---Sarah starts hacking the safe's security system on her laptop.SARAH:Almost there...---JAMES:(hearing footsteps)We've got company!---The door bursts open, revealing AGENT SMITH and two armed guards.---AGENT SMITH:Freeze! You're under arrest!JAMES:(laughing)You really think you can stop us?---James swiftly takes down the guards using martial arts moves. Sarah finishes hacking the safe.---SARAH:Got it! Let's go!---James and Sarah grab the stolen item from the safe - a valuable diamond.---JAMES:(looking at the diamond)This is worth millions!SARAH:Let's get out of here!---They make their way to the window and use a grappling hook to escape.---EXT. SKYSCRAPER - NIGHTJames and Sarah are rappelling down the building. Agent Smith and the guards are in pursuit.---AGENT SMITH:They're getting away! Shoot the rope!---A guard fires, narrowly missing James and Sarah.---JAMES:(laughing)Missed me!SARAH:Hold on tight!---Sarah activates a smoke bomb, creating a smokescreen.---EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHTJames and Sarah land safely on the street and jump into a waiting car.---SARAH:Floor it!---They speed away, leaving Agent Smith and the guards behind.---INT. CAR - NIGHTJAMES:We did it!SARAH:That was close!---They high-five each other.---EXT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT

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