Title: "The Whispering Woods"Plot Overview:
Yahya khan (Yahya)
A group of friends embarks on a camping trip to an isolated forest known for its eerie legends. As night falls, they begin to experience strange occurrences that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. The forest is alive with malevolent spirits seeking to claim their souls, and the group must uncover the dark history of the woods to survive.Act 1: The Journey BeginsIntroduction of Characters:Mia: The skeptical leader, practical and determined.Ryan: Mia's boyfriend, adventurous and thrill-seeking.Claire: The sensitive one, easily spooked but loyal.Ethan: The comic relief, always making light of the situation.Sophia: The quiet one, who seems to know more about the forest than she lets on.Setting Up: The group drives to the Whispering Woods, ignoring the warnings of locals. They find a perfect spot to set up camp near an old, abandoned cabin.Foreshadowing: As they set up, strange things start to happen—faint whispers in the wind, shadows that don’t belong, and Mia finds an old diary hidden in the cabin, full of cryptic entries about the forest.Act 2: The Haunting BeginsNightfall: As night falls, the atmosphere becomes increasingly tense. They hear the whispers growing louder, and Claire sees figures moving in the darkness, but no one believes her.The First Incident: Ryan goes missing after investigating a noise. The group splits up to find him, but they only find his flashlight, flickering on the ground. Panic sets in as they realize something is stalking them.Revelation of the Past: Sophia, after some prodding, reveals that the forest is cursed.