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cognetive biases

amin Hlk
2024-09-28 20:48:11
What if I told you that your brain is tricking you into making bad financial decisions—and you don't even realize it? You might think that when it comes to money, logic and numbers are all that matter. But in reality, your mind is full of invisible traps—biases that silently guide your choices, often to your detriment. Why do some people make poor investments even when the risks are clear? Why do you sometimes hesitate to sell a stock, even though it’s tanking?In this video, we’re pulling back the curtain on the hidden forces that manipulate your financial decisions—without you even noticing. These aren’t just abstract ideas; they’re patterns deeply embedded in your brain, quietly shaping your money habits. But here’s the twist: once you understand these biases, you can flip the script and take back control. Stick around, because what you learn today could be the game-changer that keeps your wallet out of the danger zone.Over decades, researchers like Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky discovered that financial decision-making is deeply influenced by these biases. Behavioral economics—exploring the intersection of psychology and economics—shows us that how we think about money can be just as important as what we do with it. So, how do these biases shape our financial lives? And more importantly—how can you overcome them?

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