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Bec Sparrow: High school is all about five minute moments.

2024-03-11 10:58:16
Sunday nights are hard. They're especially hard knowing you have to go back to school the next day. Maybe you hate school. Maybe you hate who you are at school. Maybe you’re the bully. The mean girl. The pack leader. Maybe you’re the target. The person nobody sees. Maybe you’re the bystander. Maybe you’ve been all three. High school is all about five minute moments. Each day – at least once – there’ll be a moment when you have five minutes to decide WHO YOU WANT TO BE. Each day - at least once - there'll be a moment when you have five minutes to decide who you want to be. Someone pisses you off. Someone insults you. Someone 'had it coming'. Someone is lame or a joke or an easy target. Someone looks up themselves on Insta or pathetic or thirsty for attention. Someone is embroiled in gossip. You're itching to say something. To start something. To make a mean joke to make yourself look good. But in the next five minutes - you decide which path you're going to take. You get to decide WHO. YOU. ARE. In that five minutes when you're tempted to stick the boot in, to have a go, to be cruel, to spread a story .... don't. Breathe. Let it go. Walk away from your device. Go outside. Drink some water. Take a walk. Talk to someone who brings out your best self. Cuddle your dog. Think about who you really are underneath that tough exterior. Think about the person you want to be in high school. If you're hurting, talk to a favourite teacher or a parent. Don't be that person who makes others feel small to make yourself look cool. You're better than that.

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