Lion & rabbit
Tundra Rapter
Could it be that, in ancient times, the animals lived in a green forest in peace, and the leader was also a brave lion, and in the day of my days, the gold of the rabbit was born.He dug a hole and dug, but at noon, he said to himself, What will the egg do under the dust? So, at noon, the light was intense, and the blackness was stuck in the rabbit's body, and the evil energy prevailed over the rabbit, so the evil rabbit went to the forest, so it destroyed the bird's house and the bear's house. The leader of al-Assad let him know that the evil rabbit is causing chaos in the forest and threatens the safety of the forest, so the lion rushed to the rabbit, we connected to the rabbit, the rabbit attacked the asad with its long claw and wounded the asad, and the asad acted as if there was an evil energy that was controlling the rabbit, so he killed the asad, but he was strong with the evil energy. Separated, the lion remembered that the lion was alone, so all the animals were with him. The lion said to her, You animals are my friends with your good power, and white energy clings to the lion's body.